Divorce Help...

Demystifying Divorce. Purveyors of Options

We are not a referral service. Our experienced attorneys provide you with the practical knowledge and encouragement necessary to complete your divorce with the least amount of stress, expense and red tape.

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Keeping Your Divorce Documents Out of the Public Eye

Many people are interested in preserving privacy about personal matters during the divorce process. Divorce filings are routinely part of the public record, which can be requested by anyone. And with the increased digitization of court records, there is cause for even greater concern. You can already search bankruptcy records online for cases filed after 2003.

The primary concerns we hear from clients concerned about maintaining confidentiality in their divorce proceedings include child custody arrangements, sensitive financial account details, information regarding debt or bankruptcy and other matters that could negatively impact or endanger them and their families.

While it used to be that only the rich and famous were able to keep their divorce documents such as a Marital Settlement Agreement out of the public record—usually at great expense—we have had success in helping our clients achieve this without excessive costs.

In some instances, using our Private Judge services makes it easier to seal parts of the divorce records. In other cases, we have been able to have the Master Settlement Agreement returned to our clients once the paperwork for the judgment has been filed.

If you would like to learn more about how to maintain confidentiality during your divorce, please give us a call at 800-359-7004 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.

Your privacy is important, and we want to help you maintain it.

Contact Us

Not sure what kind of help is right for you and your situation?

At Divorce Help, we have attorneys standing by to help you decide what services or packages might be most appropriate for your situation. Please note that we work only on California cases.

Phone: (800) 359-7004
Email: info@divorcehelp.com

I would like to let you know how much your firm helped with my divorce last year. Allison and the entire staff made what was the most difficult time in our lives so much easier. My ex-husband and I are able to be friends and now with a grandchild on the way, I can’t begin to tell you how nice that is. Again, I can’t thank you enough for all that Divorce Helpline did for me. I look forward to hearing from you.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your legal advice. You helped in not only clarifying some legal issues, but also explained how to communicate with my ex-husband in such a manner as to keep him from shutting down or getting defensive.
We were on the “fast track” and boy was it fast. Worth every penny! Start to finish (Judgment) was about eight weeks! Everybody on your staff was delightful! RESTORED MY FAITH IN LAWYERS.
I ended up with full physical custody, and girlfriend is not allowed access to my son in any way. I really have you to thank for this. I gave your ideas to my lawyer. I’m still a bit shocked that it worked out so well.

Meet Your QDRO Team

Mary Pollock

Attorney Mediator - Partner

Mary Pollock’s work experience for more than 30 years has focused exclusively on Family Law. As a paralegal, mediator and now as an attorney, Mary has developed a genuine passion for acting as an advocate for people working through various adverse circumstances in their lives.

Learn More About Mary

Allison McCabe Hardin

Attorney Mediator - Partner

Allison Hardin is a highly experienced mediator and collaborative law attorney specializing in Domestic Partnerships/Same-sex marriage, QDROs, and the special challenges facing families of addiction.

Learn More About Allison