Divorce Help...

Our Unique Approach to Divorce

For more than three decades, Divorce Help has helped couples and families at every stage of the divorce process by offering an array of services and resources allowing you to manage your own divorce process, no matter how simple or complex your situation may be.

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About Divorce Help

The traditional adversarial court-based divorce approach creates unnecessary stress, conflict, delays and expense. Fortunately, you do not need to retain an attorney (or go to court) to receive expert legal advice and obtain a fair settlement. Our attorney mediators work on a “use us as you need us” basis. Our focus is to help you successfully negotiate and settle your divorce, allowing you to move on with your lives.

You can choose the process and get the help you need. We will answer all of your questions about your rights and options, mediate disputes, or prepare documents so you will know that they have been done right. We can explore all of your options without exhausting all of your financial resources.

You can learn more by speaking with either Mary or Allison. Call 800-359-7004 to schedule a consultation today.

Meet Your Experienced Attorney Mediators

With a combined 57 years in family law, you are working with experts and pioneers in mediation.

Mary Pollock

Attorney Mediator - Partner

Mary Pollock’s work experience for more than 30 years has focused exclusively on Family Law. As a paralegal, mediator and now as an attorney, Mary has developed a genuine passion for acting as an advocate for people working through various adverse circumstances in their lives. She is upbeat, positive and brings compassion and empathy to clients that are experiencing the life transition of a divorce or other family law issue.

Perhaps one of her greatest skills is educating clients by explaining to them how the law applies to the facts of their individual case and helping them understand their options. Mary believes that knowledge is power and encourages all clients to pursue a complete understanding of the issues in their case and the options available to them.

View Mary's CV  |  Schedule Consultation

Allison McCabe Hardin

Attorney Mediator - Partner

Allison has chosen to dedicate her practice exclusively to conflict resolution. With over 23 years as an Attorney-Mediator and 27 years in the family law arena, Allison is highly experienced mediator and collaborative law attorney specializing in Divorce/Legal Separation, Domestic Partnerships/Same-sex marriage, QDROs, custody, property division as well as the special challenges facing families of addiction and DNA surprises. She brings compassion, empathy and practical experience to the table in order to reach a settlement that feels fair to both and preserves dignity and resources.

Allison’s life experiences enable her to connect with her clients. She works hard to understand what clients need and, more importantly, why. This enables clients to truly find their own best solution. With a professional background in mental health and addiction services, Allison is specifically equipped to find solutions to major problems or issues in a collaborative manner, whenever possible. She understands that each situation is unique.

View Allison's CV  |  Schedule Consultation

Why Divorce Help?

One of our key value lies in our ability to finding the best solutions for your situation. We give you a full picture of your case, we look under every rock and in every nook and cranny to create a global view. Together, we explore things you did not know you could do, giving you creative choices. This allows you to be an active participant and control your case. You are the author of your own agreement, not the judge.

Got Questions? Call 800-359-7004 to get answers!
I would like to let you know how much your firm helped with my divorce last year. Allison and the entire staff made what was the most difficult time in our lives so much easier. My ex-husband and I are able to be friends and now with a grandchild on the way, I can’t begin to tell you how nice that is. Again, I can’t thank you enough for all that Divorce Helpline did for me. I look forward to hearing from you.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your legal advice. You helped in not only clarifying some legal issues, but also explained how to communicate with my ex-husband in such a manner as to keep him from shutting down or getting defensive.
We were on the “fast track” and boy was it fast. Worth every penny! Start to finish (Judgment) was about eight weeks! Everybody on your staff was delightful! RESTORED MY FAITH IN LAWYERS.
I ended up with full physical custody, and girlfriend is not allowed access to my son in any way. I really have you to thank for this. I gave your ideas to my lawyer. I’m still a bit shocked that it worked out so well.