
Demystifying Divorce - Purveyors of Options

Our experienced attorneys provide you with the practical knowledge and encouragement necessary to complete your divorce with the least amount of stress, expense and red tape.

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Not sure what kind of help is right for you and your situation?

At Divorce Help, we have attorneys standing by to help you decide what services or packages might be most appropriate for your situation. Please note that we work only on California cases.

Phone: (800) 359-7004
Email: info@divorcehelp.com
Mailing Address
101 Cooper Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Meet Your Experienced Attorney Mediators

Mary Pollock

Attorney Mediator - Partner

Mary Pollock’s work experience for more than 30 years has focused exclusively on Family Law. As a paralegal, mediator and now as an attorney, Mary has developed a genuine passion for acting as an advocate for people working through various adverse circumstances in their lives.

View Mary's CV  |  More about Mary

Allison McCabe Hardin

Attorney Mediator - Partner

Allison has chosen to dedicate her practice exclusively to conflict resolution. With over 23 years as an Attorney-Mediator and 27 years in the family law arena, Allison is highly experienced mediator and collaborative law attorney specializing in QDROs, property division, and more.

View Allison's CV  |  More about Allison
Hi Arianna, I'm at the end of the filing process for my divorce, and thanks to you and Allison and the rest of the team, it's been a very smooth and anxiety-free process. Not to mention a very affordable service that you offer. I just wanted to say Allison was great at putting me at ease, being understanding and efficient, and I would recommend her to anyone who needs family law help. Please pass this on to her and if you need any additional testimonials or reviews for future clients, I would be happy to add mine.
Hi Arianna, Thank you so much! I appreciate your and everyone’s help with this whole process. You, Anyssa, Mary and Allison made it easy for me and answered all the questions I had. I’m so happy I pick your firm for this. I would highly recommend your firm to everyone.
We were on the “fast track” and boy was it fast. Worth every penny! Start to finish (Judgment) was about eight weeks! Everybody on your staff was delightful! RESTORED MY FAITH IN LAWYERS.
Thank you Arianna. I really appreciate all yours and Allison's help. I was very discouraged after the first status hearing so thank you for helping me through the process. Thank you again!