Do You Love To Sing?
The Lake City Harmonizers is the local chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, formerly known as the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEBSQSA). Chartered in 1981, the Harmonizers Chapter MEETS TUESDAYS, 7PM, AT:
The Chapel at Bell Tower
3398 E Jenalan Ave
Post Falls, ID
Men and women are encouraged to join us any Tuesday evening to experience the fun and fellowship "barbershopping" provides. If you need directions, more information or even a ride to a meeting, give us a call at (509) 994-2428 anytime.
The Harmonizers perform for events and can accommodate any budget, presenting family entertainment with a single quartet or a full chorus. The perfect entertainment for a birthday, convention, fund raiser, anniversary or show.
The Coeur d'Alene Chapter is a non-profit organization and all donations and honorariums go toward chapter operating expenses and selected charities. The members receive no compensation but, rather, pay dues, personal expenses and uniform costs to belong to this singing organization.
You don't have a trained voice? You don't need one. Barbershop is for the average person with an average voice, who enjoys singing a song and would like to know more about harmonizing.
You can't read music? You don't need that ability. You'll start singing barbershop in a chorus with lots of other folks who'll help you learn your part. And to help you get the hang of it, we have CD recordings and manuals that can help you become a better singer, sing in a quartet, learn music theory, learn how to arrange music, or learn how to direct a chorus or coach quartets. You can go as far as you want, or you can simply sing in the chorus and enjoy the fun.